But their impact was to fuel the crisis out of hand by looting, raping, burning homes, terrorising the Solomon Islanders. They failed with all their gun-point abuses of Bougainvilleans on their own land. A sane human person, could feel ashame for he is not a Bougainvillean and commit no harm to a native.
But the opposite injustice was what we Bougainvilleans face as we attempted to stand-up for our rights against the infiltrating aliens of our island home.

Here, I reproduce a letter in its originality, from the late Joseph Kabui's official files (then NSP premier) that I now keep to give light to the brutality the PNG law gave my people on Bougainville. A Christian race and government did this to the people, so marginalised and subjugated to their democratic country. [hand written letter]
The letter, reads:
Bana Pressure Group
PO Box 760
The Police Mininster
Mr Mathias Ijape
PO Box 86
Dear Hon. Police Mininster,
Thank you for your letter dated 5th June 1989 replying to my letter concerning the police violating human rights and rape my wife, Mrs Barbara Kinima while I'am away in Port Moresby with the Premier, Mr Joseph Kabui and the Panguna Landowner representatives to discuss the present Bougainville crisis with the right honourable Rabbie Namaliu, the Prime Minister of PNG.
I have noted one of your security force member who were involve in the incident on 25 Tuesday April 1989. He is Mr Steven of Rapunua village in Kokopo in East New Britain Province. His wantok, Mr Robert Tiria recognised him when they were trying to do the same thing to his wife at Panpara (spelling ?) village on the same night. But they were all fail to do so.
After they failed there, the intrude into Leira (spelling ?). They came into my house with the other two from the mainland [New Guinea]. They were uniformed and with M16 rifles and masked head. They strongly shouted to my family and knocked on the door:' Open the door!' If you don't open the door we will put this house on fire'.
My wife open the door to them, after she had open the door to them they pointed the gun to her and tell her for sexual intercourse and she replied to them and said: ' I am pregnant, I can't do so'. They strongly accused her and gun pointed to her breast and say to her: 'If you don't agree with what we are saying, we will shot you died'. Another man, quickly removed her laplap and kicked fell down to the floor and he raped her there.
While the first man is raping another man went into the third room and stample on my children with his boots and allowed them to watched their mother been raped.
Both of these two police riot squad been raped my wife, Mrs Barbara Kinima.
My dear minister I was on a crucial mission with the provincial government to iron out a very delicated issue that could throw this nation into chaos and having much wider constitutional crisis implication.
In my absence, the government's enforcing People Broke the very law in raping my wife. This is an animalistic behaviour. Your security force member or your department should collectively pay me restitution compensation payments.
Lastly, I would like to inform you Mr Minister, that we the people of North Solomons Province are normally peaceful and law abiding citizens, but we can not seen as 'sitting ducks' for anyone who comes in the of the 'law' to destroy, rape, kill, [continued, but I lost the rest of the paper during the crisis].
RPNGC (police) actions on Bougainvilleans was that brutal. I was a student then and saw all these sorts of inhumanity on my people unfolding. One would say, PNGeans were Melanesians with a well established Melanesians world views, but we Bougainvilleans were no-bodies in the eyes of PNGeans that rules us.
In early 1990, one afternoon, I and a couple of Bougainvillean students were returning home after school. As we reached the Arawa General Hospital, a PNG police van forced a utility packed with Bougainvilleans to a halt infront of the Arawa High School's College of Distant Education building at gun point. We, being juvenile halted to have a look, but a armed redskin police man scolded at us: ' you leave, black saucepans!'. We left as a bunch of passer-by redskins laugh at us. They molested our people. They threw all their food baskets on the footpath and smashed them.
...So, as Bougainvilleans, we still have our past to design our future for the better. Many like Barbara Kinima who is our mother, sister or granny, has paid for our good by sacrificing their lives to this dogs that rule us...
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