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Friday, 8 June 2012

A Letter to Noah Musingku & UV-Stract

From Leonard Fong Roka

My fellow countryman, your agent, Derua Porua recently posted your 2413-word cleverly designed but, baseless speech at the said Siwai Peace & Security Summit held on the 24 May 2012 at Tonu, in the UV-Stract System Updates in Face Book.

Noah Musingku (

Of course, I know that your representative, Philip Mapah gave an excellent reading to persons present whom you claim were the United Nations, Australia, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, ABG, Meekamui and Papaala.

And here, because Derua Porua mentioned my name in a comment then, let me have my views for the readers on what I think is actually going on in Bougainville and its Papaala system.

First things first, I am shaking with these lines, “The UNOMB head of mission Ambassador Noel Sinclair soon recognized Meekamui’s stand as proper and handed a set of UN rules including universal declaration of principles for indigenous rights, human rights, etc. In doing so, the UN formally recognized both governments as proper and legal.” Your targeted readers, of course are Bougainvillean illiterates. If you are yet to know the light, the United Nations Observer Mission on Bougainville did not ‘recognized’ the Meekamui but ‘respected’ its senseless pros and cons to avoid adding fuel to the conflict.

Furthermore, the said rights are old as the moon. They were created long before the Bougainville Conflict (with arms) erupted and here, you are trying to tell our people that these conventions were created for us. Sorry, you are a very active Judeo-Christian and you need to talk truth so that it can set you free. If you wrote saying that our struggle must be centred on the said ‘UN rights’ that would be appropriate.

The speech also claims that there are two UN recognized governments in Bougainville running parallel to each other since 1997-1998. To me, the only UN backed government is the Autonomous Bougainville Government and beside, there are no others.

This brings me to comment on Papaala and Meekamui relationship. But let me ask: ‘Which two governments run in parallel in Bougainville?’ Papaala and ABG? Meekamui and ABG? Here we are having more than two systems.

Papaala and Meekamui are not one, my friend; they are self-created systems running with personal ambitions and negatively affecting our island development. Bougainville knows that, when you created the UV-Stract in Port Moresby and robbed people there, the police were after you so you ran into hiding behind the Meekamui lines with your suitcase of scam. You grew your roots up in the mountains of Panguna and then slowly you settled at Tonu.

In the ABC Foreign Correspondence film, Interview with Francis Ona, late Francis Ona frankly claimed he 'does not know you' to Shane McLeod, the reporter. Despite you crowning him a ‘king’ and having nurtured you in his backyard, he still denied you to the world.

This leads me, to conclude that Meekamui and Papaala are not one in their interest. Papaala is a lone bird but having a cordial relationship with the numerous Meekamui versions around Bougainville because of the trillions of dollars you promise them.

In Bougainville, we all know the different Meekamui groups. The first group died with the late Francis Ona. This was an anti-Bougainville Peace Process and Papaala (then in the making) was aware of it. The next Meekamui group is led by Moses Pipiro and Philip Miriori (both from Panguna) and this group is pro-ABG but maintains some of the late Francis Ona’s thoughts towards the way Bougainville should be running. The third faction is the one called, Baka Otong, and it was created and led by Chris Uma who maintains the Morgan Junction road block. The last group in the Meekamui is under the leadership of Damien Koike in the Konnou area of Buin. This faction is friendly to the Papaala and independent from control from people like Chris Uma or Moses Pipiro-Philip Miriori.

This difference denies your claim of a two government systems operating in harmony in Bougainville.

There has not being any harmony much in the leadership level amongst these factions. They pursue their own interest aggressively even leading to death and also Papaala had being the major source of financial support to the Damien Koike’s Meekamui group in fighting the pro-Bougainville Peace Process groups in the Konnou crisis that was recently settled.

Are these signs of two governments in harmonious co-existence? I wonder.

… be continued.


  1. Hello David we Love Bougainville Island :-)

  2. For Bougainville to be united we must not criticise one another. We must try to understand one and other. We try and see how the other faction understands the situation. To know how they (the other factions) understand the current situation go talk with them, share ideas, get their views. Only then you could be able to know what's in their mind and understanding. Both the ABG and Me'ekamui have the same interest for independece. So why argue amongst ourselves, why criticise one another.

    My appeal to all our leaders from ABG and Me'ekamui to unite and achieve ourgoal which is independence.
