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Saturday 11 February 2012

Bougainville Politics: Father of Meekamui (B)

In the Meekamui Pontoku Onoring (government), Damien Dameng was the leader and his cousin, Philip Ne'sii was the administrator. The brothers, due mainly because of what all saw as destruction of the land by the mining company CRA at its developmental stages at Panguna, won hearts throughout Kieta and allies across Bougainville that together later created the Napidakoe Navitu (a powerful political movement led by Sir Paul Lapun).

Philip Ne'sii (above with me), was mostly based at home and travelled less. He was incharge of the parliament and other activities associated with the movement. The streamlining and promotion of Meekamui was paramount.

Meekamui Parliament

The parliament, to Ne'sii, ought to consist of four (4) political parties made up of the 4 major clans known in Bougainville and housed in a square building with the speaker (below photo) at the centre and the north side of the whole. To him, it was also, a 'holy of holies' seat (today it is still respected). But during the crisis the building was destroyed and now rock bases remains (picture below).
To the west, the parliament had the chamber made up of the Basikang and Bakoringku clans and had their 100 members. To the east, was the chamber for the Kurabang and Barapang clans and their 100 members. The south end ought to house the women and Bougainville's minorities.

Just climbing up a sharp camber from the parliament's zone, was the government structure designed with a concrete star build in 1972 according to Philip Si'nee.

As the above picture shows, the centremost square hole, represented the government of Bougainville and to the four (4) ends are the major clans that together make up the government.

(on the speaker's throne)

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