Together we have being from the early days of 2011 academic year of the Divine Word University here in the Madang Province of Papua New Guinea. In three days time I am leaving for my beloved homeland, my Solomon Island of Bougainville.
Since walking into this university in February of this fast fading 2011, I did enjoyed every bit of our routined study days. I made up new friends, some good and some bad, to the way I see the world and its folly.
Being an anti-Papua New Guinea thinker in political terms, I at the very beginning registered with the Divine Word Bougainville Students Association and as time went by, I discovered that the most of my fellow Bougainvillean lot, lack the art I love the most, that is politics. This does not mean, I want people to directly get involve into politics, but I needed people to behave and interact in a manner that Bougainville is out there to be heard and seen.
I, thus, joined the West New Britain Students Association of this university. This is where my late father comes from. My fellow patrilineal relatives began the most interesting club I seen here. Many friends I'd made and worked and stayed on with. Sociable people were these non-Bougainvilleans. While, in my Bougainville lot, we have a tradition that even you a welknown Bougainvillean is still to be seen as a stranger.
Anywhere, in such a shit I had made up my way to this far end-ending 2011 academic year and ready to go home.
But, going home is now a becoming a problem to my heart. I had friends and a study routine that my heart is struggling to let go for this christmas break. Around me, fellow students from all over Papua New Guinea are packing their belongings ready to depart. Some of us are thinking of trading our few belongings for money or beer in the squatter settlements surrounding this university.
Any means that works out, is the one to take...for we are to be going our seperate ways.
Hearts in tears of losing a friend or study mate, we are going with a dream of coming back in 2012.
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