Monday 23 July 2012

The road to Hell is paved with religion and westernization

Martyn Namorong

When the greedy White ruling class decided to loot the rest of the world's nations of their wealth they carried with them, their Laws, their customs, their Government, their Technology, their diseases and their Religion. The greatest lessons about how the west and by extension the western model of development work can be found in the way they shamelessly conducted themselves in other peoples land.

Their religion Christianity was about a Middle-Eastern zombie. (FYI a zombie is something that rises from the dead). They told everyone that their religion was the ONLY WAY TO SPIRITUAL HEAVEN.

The historical context of colonization is that it was coming out of a people who had for millennia since the Greek empire of Alexander, being a subversive race. First the Greeks, followed by the Romans, then the Roman Catholic Church and the European nations. They had thousands of years of experience in subverting people.

At the time Europeans decided to subvert nations elsewhere, their Religion was is turmoil thanks to a German Priest (my namesake a German Priest called Martin) who noted that the religous center of the Western model of Development, was rotten to the core.

The Catholic priests had, after centuries of wanking in monasteries, figured how to subvert people in order to exploit them off their wealth.

I'm deliberately using the word SUBVERSION or SUBVERT because to subvert a population is to make the population think that it is acting in its best Interest while at the same time undermining its interest. In simple English: they make you think you're helping yourself when in fact you're harming yourself.

In order to build St Peters Basilica in Rome they made the Europeans think that it was in their interest to give money to the Catholic Church for the remission of sins - some con job the poppies called indulgence. The premise of this was that Jesus is the only way to Spiritual heaven and the Western Church is the only way to a Middle-Eastern zombie.

So the Church thrived at the expense of the poor Europeans and the Europeans genuinely thought they were serving their best interest, until my namesake (Martin) figured the con job. Having being challenged by Martin Luther, the Church launched the Counter-Reformation. The word propaganda was first used when Pope Gregory XIII (1572-85) set up the Societas de Propaganda Fide (Society for the Propagation of Faith).

This narrative continues today not just in the one way to spiritual heaven version, but also the one way to physical heaven version. The contest for the monopoly of religious and secular ways to heaven have continued down the centuries including during the Cold War. Indeed the Cold War is a classic contest of ideas, both religious and secular.

We also see today the contest of ideas between the Islamic world and the West. For the West, there can be no other form of government than democracy. Even though, the people of Islamic Iran have higher levels of literacy and education compared to 'democratic' PNG and communist Cuba has better Healthcare than democratic America. Now, I'm not implying that PNG becomes an Islamic Republic or a Commie state, instead I'm highlighting the fact that different cultures, societies, geographical locations and historical contexts need their own unique sets of ideas to progress.

Today, many people religiously preach that the only way to physical heaven is the western colonial model of development. When my namesake questioned the One Church to Heaven narrative, he was excommunicated, riddiculed and threatened. It wasn't because he was theologically wrong, it was because some of the Elite in Europe did not wish to give up their control of religion, political power, land and resources.

The western elite set out to conquer the world with their one model of development that would replicate the St Peters Basillica social experiment throughout the world. Papua New Guineans are being hoodwinked today into paying a lot of indulgences (resources exploited by foreigners) in order to get to heaven (see development).

My namesake saw the deceit of the Western Model of Spirituality and argued that it wasn't the pope (head of the Church and the European elite) who would take people to spiritual heaven, it was the faith of the individual. You didn't have to give your resources to the Pope in order to get to heaven.

It is not necessary that we handover our resources to foreigners in order to see progress. If it was, the Founders of these nation would not have called for National Sovereignty and Self Reliance or for the wise use of natural resources or even for Our own model of development as articulated by Goal number 5 of the Papua New Guinea Constitution.

Subversion is seen as the ultimate weapon of War. It is also referred to as Political Warfare or diplomacy. It was first described by an ancient Chinese General, Sun Tzu in The Art of War. Sun Tzu writes:

"The Supreme Art of War is to subdue the enemy [a nation] without fighting."

In case you still haven't noticed yet, Papua New Guinea has already been conquered. Different parties have used arguments from the Western Model of Development, to invade the country.

We have a Malaysian who have conquered Logging and Oil Palm

We have a Chinese who have conquered the Retail sector

We have the Americans who have conquered Natural Gas

We have the Commonwealth (Australian/Canadian) miners who have conquered Mining.

We have the Filipinos who have conquered Tuna Fisheries to supply Europeans

I know there are many Papua New Guineans out there dreaming of being rich. But ask yourself, how will you gain wealth if foreigners are in charge of the sources of wealth? How will you develop your country if you don't have control of the resources necessary for creating developmental activities.

The consequence of foreigners being in control of national wealth is that we fight like dogsover elections and positions in politics and the public services, so that we might be able to collect the scraps they throw to the government coffers.

Em bai yu toktok long maus tasol long bringim divelopment, na nogat senis bai kamap. Yu ken tok yu papa na mama graun o yu risos owna tasol samtin tru em yu papa/mama long nem tasol na ol ausait lain benefit.

The West's model of development is a form of violence: Economic Violence. Look no further than Panguna, the Fly River, the Watut River, RH logging Camps, Ramu Mine, SABLs, etc... The reason you don't perceive it as violence is because you've been trained to think that it's ok - just collateral damage [remember subversion].

But just in case you don't believe me look at what's happened to Europes PIGS [PIGS stands for Portugal Ireland Greece & Spain]. Having fattened the PIGS with cheap credit, the Bankers have now taken them to the Economic slaughterhouse to trim the fat.

Germany (Formerly the Holy Roman Empire, and Colonizers of New Guinea) is punishing its neighbors. Previously they fought with armies, now they use Economic Violence. Now they're telling the PIGS that it's perfectly normal and in their interest to suffer economic violence.

Gandhi described poverty as the worst form of violence. But poverty is just a symptom of economic disparity also referred to as economic violence. And economic violence is a product of the greed of a few elite.

And the elite have used the Western Model of Development to enrich themselves the same way that the Catholic Church enriched its coffers with indulgences. They both promise heaven but fail to deliver.

Now you have been trained not to question these two realities: religion and development. No one wants to be anti-god or anti-westernization. If you do stray away from these two sets of belief systems either god will punish you or Americans will bomb your country.

Sun Tzu warns in the Art of War: "Know your enemy and know yourself..."

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