Sunday 31 July 2011

False prophets

Many Bougainvilleans today keep denying the thousands of innocent people who died under the hell of the PNG blockade on our beloved island by continuing to cause harm to the society.

Bougainville, the era of arms has gone by, now it is the era of intellectual minds to deal with the infidel PNG to get ourselves out of the hell of Redskinism and its corruption of society.

Keep trading your guns to PNG because they are coming every day looking for it so they'll dive into the drains and we move on.

Bougainville Irredentism

Bougainvilleans are Solomonese and not New Guineans as many dirty Redskins call them. False indoctrination by PNG that my people are New Guineans has driven my island into its chaotic existence today.

Thus, our aim is freedom for my people and island that Australian colonialist offered us to PNG as an independent gift solely to finance the development of this Redskin society.